Abortion in Bolivia is prohibited except in cases of rape, incest, and saving the mother’s life. But even with those allowances, the procedure is rarely greenlighted. Just 126 abortions were legally permitted in Bolivia between 1973 and 2016 [1].
Consequently, unsafe abortion is the third leading cause of maternal death in Bolivia, and an estimated 185 women undergo clandestine, usually unsafe, abortions every day.
Despite its illegality, abortion is relatively easy to obtain in Bolivia today.
In the cities of La Paz and El Alto, offices advertising pregnancy tests in certain neighborhoods often provide abortions. In a major step forward for reproductive rights in Bolivia, women and girls can now access safe, legal abortion in the first eight weeks of pregnancy under a broad range of circumstances.
The new penal code specifies a broader range of legal indications for abortion—including to protect against current or future risks to a woman’s health or life, if the pregnant woman is already responsible for the care of others, and if the pregnant person is a child, an adolescent or a student.
Is Abortion Legal in Bolivia?
Abortion is only legal in cases of rape, incest and to save the mother’s life. Up to 8 weeks, legal grounds are extended to: protection against current or future risks to a woman’s health or life, whether the pregnant woman is already responsible for the care of others, and whether the pregnant person is a girl, adolescent or student [2].
What Types of Abortion are Available in Bolivia?
Medical: Misoprostol-only regimens. Combined regimens with mifepristone may soon be available.
Surgical: Manual vacuum aspiration abortion (MVA) and Dilation & Curetage (D&C) [3]
What is the abortion rate in Bolivia? How Many Women Have Abortions?
More than 80,000 induced abortions take place in Bolivia every year [6].
Abortion with Pills (Medical Abortion) in Bolivia
Are the Abortion Pills (Mifepristone and Misoprostol) Available in Bolivia?
Mifepristone: Yes, recently registered.
Misoprostol: Yes, a prescription may be required.
How Late Into a Pregnancy Can the Abortion Pills Be Used?
Technically, medical regimens can be used at any gestational age, provided the recommended regimen is used for any specific indication/gestational age.
Do I Need a Prescription for Mifepristone? Misoprostol?
Mifepristone: Yes, a prescription is required.
Misoprostol: Some vendors may request (and hold) a prescription.
What Brands of Abortion Pill Are Popular in Bolivia?
Mifepristone: Information not yet available.
Misox, 200 µg (4 tablets)
Cytotec, 200 µg (28 tablets) [5]
How Much Do the Abortion Pills Cost in Bolivia?
Mifepristone: Information not available.
Misoprostol: From $ 0.90 to $ 1.94 USD per pill [5]
Who Can I Contact for More Information on Abortion in Bolivia?
- Línea de información aborto autónomo, libre y seguro, 775-08219 [4]
- Cuerpa Autónoma, cuerpa.autonoma@riseup.net
- safe2choose, https://safe2choose.org/es/
- Ipas Bolivia, https://www.ipasbolivia.org/
- Marie Stopes Bolivia, https://www.mariestopes.org.bo/
- Red Nacional de Servicios de Salud
In-Clinic Abortion in Bolivia
What are the Different Types of in-Clinic Abortion Procedures Available in Bolivia?
Manual vacuum aspiration abortions (MVA) and Dilation & Curetage abortions (D&C) for the first trimester.
Where Can I get a Manual Vacum Aspiration (MVA) Abortion in Bolivia?
Abortion surgical procedures for the first trimester (such MVA) are available at public and private health facilities.
How Much Does Manual Vacuum Aspiration (MVA) Cost in Bolivia?
A safe surgical abortion procedure (MVA or D&C) can cost as much as $ 500.00 USD [6]
How to get further information?
For additional information and support, you can get in touch with our trained multilingual female counselors.
[1] SUM (cuny).Abortion in Bolivia: An Open Secret. Retrieved from: https://sum.cuny.edu/abortion-bolivia-secret-law-college-staten-island/
[2] IPAS. Legal abortion access greatly expanded in Bolivia. Retrieved from: https://www.ipas.org/news/legal-abortion-access-greatly-expanded-in-bolivia/
[3] Página 12.La dupla perfecta. Retrieved from: https://www.pagina12.com.ar/277278-la-dupla-perfecta
[4] Cómo hacerse un aborto seguro. Bolivia. Retrieved from: http://comohacerseunaborto.com/es/bolivia/
[5] CLACAI. Mifepristona y misoprostol en seis países de América Latina: procesos de registro y disponibilidad. Retrieved from: http://www.redaas.org.ar/archivos-recursos/389-Mifepristona%20y%20misoprostol%20en%20seis%20%20paises%20de%20America%20Latina.%20CLACAI%202017.pdf
[6] Página Siete. Un “aborto salubre” en Bolivia cuesta $us 500, según activistas.