Chad regulates the practice of abortion.
Is abortion legal in Chad?
According to the terms of article 14 of the law on the promotion of reproductive health, abortion is only authorized when the continuation of the pregnancy endangers the life and health of the woman or when a condition of particular gravity is diagnosed in the fetus. The authorization is obtained from the public prosecutor after advice or a prescription from doctors. If the abortion is carried out outside this framework, it is sanctioned according to the provisions of article 356 of the penal code [1].
What types of abortion are available in Chad?
Chad authorizes both types of methods, in particular medication and surgical methods.
What is the abortion rate in Chad? How many women have abortions?
The abortion rate in Chad was around 39% over the period of 2015 to 2019 [2].
Abortion with pills (Medical Abortion)
Are the abortion pills (Mifepristone and Misoprostol) available in Chad?
Abortion pills are on the list of life-saving drugs for reproductive health [3].
How late into a pregnancy can the abortion pills be used?
The pills can be used up to 13 weeks of pregnancy.
Do I need a prescription for Mifepristone or Misoprostol?
Abortion pills cannot be dispensed without a medical prescription.
What brands of abortion pills are popular in Chad?
Misoprostol, which is available under the brand names Misoclear and Cytotec; and
Mifepristone, which, combined with Misoprostol, is available under the brand name Mifepak [4].

How much do the abortion pills cost in Chad?
The price varies becasue abortion pills are available in the pharmaceutical depots of public health structures, where the price is fixed, but also in private pharmacies which are not subject to price monitoring.
In-clinic abortion
What are the different types of in-clinic abortion procedures available in Chad?
Abortion is performed either by the surgical method, generally manual intrauterine aspiration, or by medication with abortion pills.
Is Manual Vacuum Aspiration (MVA) safe?
Observational studies indicate that vacuum aspiration is associated with fewer complications than dilation and curettage [5].
Where can I get a Manual Vacuum Aspiration (MVA) abortion in Chad?
In public health facilities with an obstetric care service and in private clinics for post-abortion care.

How much does Manual Vacuum Aspiration (MVA) cost in Chad?
It is difficult to accurately assess the cost because of the taboo that surrounds the subject. However, the service is available in public establishments and in clinics run by partners.
Are there any side effects of Manual Vacuum Aspiration (MVA)?
The most common side effects associated with vacuum aspiration abortion include severe cramping during the procedure and often for a few days afterwards [6].
Who can I contact for more information in Chad?
Association Tchadienne pour le bien être familiale
+235 66 26 49 72
by the safe2choose team and supporting experts at carafem, based on the 2019 recommendations by Ipas, and the 2012 recommendations by the WHO.
[1] “Chad Law on the Promotion of Reproductive Health.” The Global Abortion Policies Database, abortion-policies.srhr.org/documents/countries/02-Chad-Law-on-the-Promotion-of-Reproductive-Health-2002.pdf#page=3 https://abortion-policies.srhr.org/documents/countries/01-Chad-Penal-Code-2017.pdf#page=74
[2] “Chad: Unintended Pregnancy and Abortion.” The Guttmacher Institute, www.guttmacher.org/geography/africa/chad
[3] “Rapport SPSR 2015.” UNFPA, chad.unfpa.org/sites/default/files/pub-pdf/RAPPORTSPSR2015.pdf tableau 28
[4] “Abortion laws in Chad.” How to use abortion pill, www.howtouseabortionpill.org/fr/abortion-laws-by-country/tchad/
[5] “WHO Safe Abortion Guidance.” World Health Organization, abortion-policies.srhr.org/documents/reference/WHO-Safe-Abortion-Guidance-2012.pdf#page=123
[6] “Side Effects of Manual Intrauterine Aspiration.” Safe2choose, safe2choose.org/fr/faq/mva-faq/before-mva-abortion/are-there-any-side-effects-associated-with-a-manual-vacuum-aspiration-mva-can-it-cause-infertility