Colombia decriminalised abortion in some circumstances in 2006 yet only around 10 per cent of terminations of pregnancies are safely performed in health structures. Unsafe abortions are responsible for some 10% of Colombia’s maternal deaths [1].
Even when women have a legal right to abortion, they face problems getting one. Barriers are largely due to the criminalization of abortion by denying safe, timely and dignified access to this essential health care. In fact, some women are criminally prosecuted even when they seek legal abortions, as documented by Women’s Link Worldwide in Colombia [2].
Criminalization also discourages health workers from providing emergency care due to the fear of prosecution or stigma for perceived complicity in abortion.
Is Abortion Legal in Colombia?
Abortion is legal in Colombia in cases of rape, incest or artificial insemination without consent, severe life-incompatible fetal malformations and to protect life or health [8].
What Types of Abortion are Available in Colombia?
Medical: Mifepristone + Misoprostol and Misoprostol-only regimens [5].
Surgical: MVA and D&C.
What is the abortion rate in Colombia? How Many Women Have Abortions?
There are an estimated 450,000 illegal abortions in Colombia every year, and unsafe abortion is a leading cause of maternal mortality. Recent studies indicate that a higher proportion of adolescent girls than adult women undergo illegal abortions: 36 percent of adolescent pregnancies end in abortion, whereas 12 percent of other pregnancies do [3].
Abortion with Pills (Medical Abortion) in Colombia
Are the Abortion Pills (Mifepristone and Misoprostol) Available in Colombia?
Mifepristone: Yes. Through the distribuitor (ProFamilia) to health professionals for the exclusive use of the legal grounds for abortion [4].
Misoprostol: Yes.
How Late Into a Pregnancy Can the Abortion Pills Be Used?
Technically, medical regimens can be used at any gestational age, provided the recommended regimen is used for any specific indication/gestational age.
Do I Need a Prescription for Mifepristone? Misoprostol?
Mifepristone: Yes, a prescription is required.
Misoprostol: Yes. Some vendors may request a prescription.
What Brands of Abortion Pill Are Popular in Colombia?
Mediprist, 200 mg. ProFamilia (Distribuitor)
Cytotec, 200 µg. Pfizer
Cytil V, 25 µg. Tecnoquímicas
Cytil V, 50 µg. Tecnoquímicas
Cytil V, 200 µg. Tecnoquímicas
Industol, 200 µg, Tecnoquímicas [7]
How Much Do the Abortion Pills Cost in Colombia?
Information not available.
25 µg, $3.20 USD per pill
50 µg, $7.00 USD per pill
200 µg, $1.00 – $4.60 USD per pill [7]
Who Can I Contact for More Information on Abortion in Colombia?
- Las Parceras – Línea y Red Feminista de Acompañamiento en Aborto, 3187505775
- ProFamilia, profamilia.org.co/
- Fundación Oriéntame, www.orientame.org.c
- Fundación Unimédicos, www.unimedicos.com
- Fundación Sí Mujer, www.fundacionsimujer.org [6]
In-Clinic Abortion in Colombia
What are the Different Types of in-Clinic Abortion Procedures Available in Colombia?
Manual vacuum aspiration abortions (MVA) and Dilation & Curetage abortions (D&C) for the first trimester [8].
Where Can I get a Manual Vacum Aspiration (MVA) Abortion in Colombia?
Abortion surgical procedures for the first trimester (such MVA) are available at public and private health facilities.
How Much Does Manual Vacuum Aspiration (MVA) Cost in Colombia?
$ 172.00 USD for MVA or medication abortion at primary-care specialized facilities.
How to get further information?
For additional information and support, you can get in touch with our trained multilingual female counselors.
[1] Médecins Sans Frontières. Unsafe abortion: women at risk. Retrieved from: https://www.msf.org/unsafe-abortion-women-risk-colombia-msf-report
[2] Human Rights Watch. Tres razones para despenalizar el aborto en Colombia. Retrieved from: https://www.hrw.org/es/news/2020/12/02/tres-razones-para-despenalizar-el-aborto-en-colombia#
[3] Human Rights Watch. Abortion: Colombia. Retrieved from: https://www.hrw.org/legacy/women/abortion/colombia.html
[4] Profamilia. Mifepristona: medicamento para el aborto seguro. Retrieved from: https://profamilia.org.co/servicios/aborto-seguro/
[5] Oriéntame. Aborto con medicamentos en casa. Retrieved from: https://orientame.org.co/aborto-con-medicamentos-en-casa/
[6] Cómo hacerse un aborto seguro. En Colombia. Retrieved from: http://comohacerseunaborto.com/es/colombia/
[7] CLACAI. Mifepristona y misoprostol en seis países de América Latina: procesos de registro y disponibilidad. Retrieved from: http://www.redaas.org.ar/archivos-recursos/389-Mifepristona%20y%20misoprostol%20en%20seis%20%20paises%20de%20America%20Latina.%20CLACAI%202017.pdf
[8] Guttmacher Institute. Unintended Pregnancy and Induced Abortion in Colombia. Retrieved from: https://www.guttmacher.org/fact-sheet/unintended-pregnancy-and-induced-abortion-colombia