DRC ratified the Maputo Protocol in 2008 which allows access to legal abortions in the case of sexual assault, rape, incest, fetal anomalies, and to preserve the mental and physical health of the mother. Though Manual Vacuum Aspiration (MVA) abortion and Medical Abortion with Misoprostol are avilable in the country, they are often only used to treat incomplete abortions.
Is Abortion Legal in DRC?
Under the penal code of DRC, abortion in any circumstances is prohibited. However, it is generally accepted that abortion can be performed if the life of the mother is in danger. In 2008, the DRC has ratified, without reservation, the Maputo Protocol, which allows for abortion in cases of rape, incest when the woman’s physical or mental health is in danger. As a pure monist state, the ratification of this protocol in the context of the DRC means that it is immediately incorporated into national law, and any existing national law that contradicts it should be nullified. Therefore abortions under these conditions should be legally available, but unfortunately, there is still stigma and limited acceptance of the fact in DRC. [1]
What Types of Abortion are Available in DRC?
- Abortion with pills (Misoprostol only)
- Manual Vacuum Aspiration (MVA)
- Dilation and Currettage (D&C)*
*D&C is an outdated abortion method and should be replaced by MVA when possible. [2]
What is the abortion rate in DRC? How Many Women Have Abortions?
An estimated 56 per 1000 women have an abortion in DRC. [3]
In-Clinic Abortion
What are the Different Types of In-Clinic Abortion Procedures Available in DRC?
- Manual Vacuum Aspiration (MVA)
- Electric Vacuum Aspiration (EVA)
- Dilation and Curettage (D&C)*: Most practitioners, due to limited resources offer “Dilation and Curettage”. This service is available in all hospitals where providers have received training for therapeutic abortions and typically can be administered up to 23 weeks.
- Post Abortion Care (PAC): Misoprostol is provided to women as part of Post-Abortion Care (PAC) services to treat and incomplete abortion or miscarriage.
*D&C is an outdated abortion method and should be replaced by MVA when possible. [2]
Is Manual Vacuum Aspiration (MVA) safe?
MVA is a very safe method of abortion for pregnancies in the first trimester, and/or early second trimester all the way up to 14 weeks of gestation. MVA is 99% effective. [4]
Where Can I get a Manual Vacum Aspiration (MVA) Abortion in DRC?
MVA procedures are typically performed by Doctors, clinical officers or nurses. Most Post Abortion Care (PAC) services are offered by private clinics. [5]
How Much Does Manual Vacuum Aspiration (MVA) Cost in DRC?
An MVA costs between USD 11 and USD 17 in DRC.
Are There Any Side Effects of Manual Vacuum Aspiration (MVA)?
The most common side effect is cramping during the procedure. Often this cramping will improve quickly afterwards, but some women may experience cramping on and off for a few days or weeks. Most women will experience bleeding and cramping during and after MVA, these symptoms will gradually improve in the following days after the procedure. [4]
Abortion with Pills (Medical Abortion)
Are the Abortion Pills (Mifepristone and Misoprostol) Available in DRC?
Only Misoprostol is available in the DRC. [6]
How Late Into a Pregnancy Can the Abortion Pills Be Used?
The abortion pills can be used within the first 13 weeks of pregnancy.
You can get more information on the medical abortion protocol using Mifepristone and Misoprostol or using Misoprostol only.
Do I Need a Prescription for Mifepristone? Misoprostol?
A prescription is required in DRC, though some pharmacists may sell Misoprostol without a prescription.
What Brands of Abortion Pill Are Popular in DRC?
Miso-200, Misocare, Mifepack, and Mifecare [6]

2500 CDF

2500 CDF

10000 CDF

10000 CDF
How Much Do the Abortion Pills Cost in DRC?
Misoprostol costs between USD 5 – USD 75 depending on the method of provision.
Who Can I Contact for More Information on Abortion in DRC?
Hotline: 136
WhatsApp: 00243891897777
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BatelaLobiNaYo, https://www.facebook.com/okcondomsrdc/, https://www.facebook.com/dkt.rdc
Twitter: https://twitter.com/dkt_rd
Website: https://dkt-rdc.org/
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/dkt-rd-congo
Polycline Et Maternite Aux Bon Soin
Quartier Abattoir 2 Av. Kimbata 4
Masina 1 non loin du Marché Olivia/route Petro Congo
Prix: Moins de 30,000 FC
Centre Medical Esperodi
Av. Marechal 22 Quartier Sans Fil Non Loin De L’arret Tribunal
Masina 1
Prix: Moins de 30,000 FC
Polyclinique Bongisa Libota
Quartier Lubumbashi, Ref: Croisement Avenue Gambela / Kasa-Vubu
Av: Sandoa N°56, Kasa-Vubu
Prix: Gratuit
Polyclinique Bongisa Libota
Quartier 3 Av. Table Ronde N°38, Ref: Route Kulumba
Prix: Gratuit
Centre De Santé Kitokimosi
Maison Communale De Selembao
Prix: 20,000 FC
Centre De Sante Rapha
Avenue Akala N°5 Quartier Nkulu Référence/Air Mabanga-Selembao
Prix: 20,000 FC
Centre De Sante Sainte-Anne
Avenue Madowamba N°23 Quartier Badiadingi Reference.
Arret Wenze/Selembao
Prix: 20,000 FC
Centre De Sante Main De Dieu
Avenue Bosembo N°16 Quartier Ndanu/Kingabwa/Reference Wenze Localité
Prix: 20,000 FC
Centre De Sante Mayamba
Avenue Lukula N°5 Reference: Kingabwa Point Chaud/Code Ya Mboka
Prix: 20,000 FC
Centre De Sante Amba
Avenue Kingombe N°116 Quartier Amba, Reference: Avenue De L’école
As you have been doing before
Avenue Luangi N°19, Quartier Libération, Référence: Wenze Ya Bambu, Terrain Lubembo, Kinseso
Prix: 20,000 FC
Centre De Sante Revolution
Avenue Kitona N°7 Et 8, Quartier Révolution, Référence: Paroisse Saint Thomas, Pont Tordeur/Kinseso
Prix: 20,000 FC
Centre De Sante Caideco
Avenue Zaba N°58 Quartier Mbanza Lemba, Référence: Église Pp Kin
Prix: 20,000 FC
Centre De Sante Kimbanguiste
Avenue Lwange N°2 Référence: Lemba Foire, Hopital Kimbanguiste
Prix: 20,000 FC
Centre De Sante Marcello
Avenue Clinic Medical N°3 Bis Quartier Kemi, R2ference Triangle Campus/Lemba
Prix: 20,000 FC
Centre De Sante Badara/Kimbanseke
Camp Kabila
Badara /Kimbanseke
Prix: 20,000 FC
Centre De Sante Lufungula
Camp Lufungula / Lingwala
Prix: 20,000 FC
Centre De Sante Camp Kbila
Camp Kabila/Kimbanseke
Prix: 20,000 FC
You can get in touch with safe2choose’s counselors by email at info@safe2choose.org or by livechat.
You can also reach out to Women on Web or Women Help Women.
[1] PRB. Expanding Access to Safe Abortion in the DRC: Clarifications to the Law. Retrieved from:https://www.prb.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/SAFE-ENGAGE-DRC-Legal-Fact-Sheet.pdf
[2] WHO. Safe abortion: technical and policy guidance for health systems. Second edition. Retrieved from: https://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/70914/9789241548434_eng.pd%20f?sequence=1
[3] Guttmacher Institute. Induced Abortion and Postabortion Care in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo. Retrieved from: https://www.guttmacher.org/fact-sheet/abortion-kinshasa
[4] Ipas. Clinical Updates in Reproductive Health. 2019. Retrieved from: https://www.ipas.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Ipas-Clinical-Updates-in-Reproductive-Health-CURHE23b.pdf
[5] Guttmacher Institute. Unintended Pregnancy and Abortion in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo: Challenges and Progress. Retrieved from: https://www.guttmacher.org/report/unintended-pregnancy-abortion-kinshasa-drc