The abortion law in Senegal is one of the most restrictive in Africa and prohibits abortion in almost all circumstances. Abortions are also highly criminalized with many women finding themselves persecuted and incarcerated for inducing abortions, suspicious miscarriages, and infanticide.
Is abortion legal in Senegal?
Article 35 of the Code of Medical Ethics of Senegal provides a single exception: “Therapeutic abortions can only be carried out if this intervention is the only way to save the life of the mother.” Furthermore, this very limited exception is accompanied by extremely onerous procedural conditions: three different doctors (a prescribing doctor and two supervisory doctors) must certify that the life of the mother can be saved only through such intervention.
One of the consultant physicians must be named on the court´s list of experts. A protocol of the decision must then be sent by registered mail to the President of the Medical Association. Finally, “if the doctor, according to his convictions, believes that he should not recommend an abortion, he may withdraw, ensuring continuity of care by a qualified colleague.”
Note: It is almost impossible to obtain such certifications within a timely manner, and, thus, legal abortions are almost non-existent.
There is almost a total ban on abortions with only post-abortion care (PAC) services considered legal [1].
What type of post-abortion care is available in Senegal?
Medical and surgical methods are avaible for post-abortion care in Senegal.
What is the abortion rate in Senegal? How many women have abortions?
In spite of the country’s highly restrictive abortion law, an estimated 51,500 induced abortions occurred in Senegal in 2012, which is a rate of 17 abortions per 1,000 women aged 15–44. Virtually all of these procedures were clandestine and unsafe [1].
Post-abortion care with pills
Are Mifepristone and Misoprostol available in Senegal?
Yes, Misoprostol and Mifepristone are available in pharmacies and at some health centers or clinics.
How late into a pregnancy can the pills be used?
The pills can be used up to 13 weeks of pregnancy.
Do I need a prescription for Mifepristone or Misoprostol?
Mifepristone and Misoprostol cannot be sold without a prescription.
What brands of abortion pills are popular in Senegal?
Cytotec, Misodia, Artotec, Mifepristol, and Misoclear.

980 XOF

How much do the abortion pills cost in Senegal?
Misoclear costs 1,050 F CFA.
For other pills, the price can exceed 6,000 F CFA.
In-clinic post-abortion care
What are the different types of in-clinic post-abortion care procedures available in Senegal?
- A medication abortion with the use of pills, such as Misoprostol (Misoclear); and
- a surgical abortion, or Manual Vacuum Aspiration (MVA).
Where can I get Manual Vacuum Aspiration (MVA) post-abortion care in Senegal?
- hospitals,
- heath centers, and
- health posts.
- Clinics, and
- medical and paramedical practices.
In accordance with the legislation in Senegal, qualified providers do not systematically offer post-abortion care service by Manual Vacum Aspiration (MVA).

How much does Manual Vacuum Aspiration (MVA) cost in Senegal?
It costs 50,000 F CFA to 500,000 F CFA (each structure or service provider sets its prices in consensus with the client).
Who can I contact for more information in Senegal [2]?
Regional Center for Training, Research and Advocacy in Reproductive Health (CEFOREP) – http://www.ceforep.org/
Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/ceforep
Phone: +221 33 823 37 64 | 33 823 29 43
Address: Maternity Hospital Aristide Le Dantec, Avenue Pasteur – Dakar, B.P.: 22 340 Dakar Ponty
Senegalese Jurists Association (AJS) – http://femmesjuristes.org/
Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/Association-des-juristes
Phone: +221 33 876 34 39 | 33 867 34 45
Toll free number: 800 805 805
Address: Cité Sonatel In front of the SAMU Municipale de Grand-Yoff
Marie Stopes Senegal
Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/MarieStopesSenegal/?_rdc=1&_rdr
Phone: +221 800 00 84 84
Call Adama (Free number): 800 00 84 84
Senegalese Association for Family Welfare (ASBEF) – http: /asbef.asso-web.com/
Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/Association-Senegalaise-pour-Le-Bien-Etre-Familial-382349225180647/?fref=ts&_rdc=1&_rdr
Phone: +221 33 824 25 62
Address: 5, Route du Front de Terre in front of Notre Dame du Liban college, 6084 Dakar
National Youth Alliance for Reproductive Health
Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/ANJSRPF/
Phone: +221 33 825 70 98
A Word to Young People – http://paroleauxjeunes.org/
Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/laparoleauxjeunesdumonde/
Phone: +221 33 820 84 55
by the safe2choose team and supporting experts at carafem, based on the 2019 recommendations by Ipas, and the 2012 recommendations by the WHO.
[1] “Abortion in Senegal.” Guttmacher Institute, www.ordremedecins.sn/textes-legaux/code-de-deontologie/.
[2] “Abortion laws in Senegal.” How to Use Abortion Pill, www.howtouseabortionpill.org/fr/abortion-laws-by-country/Senegal/.