What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Vacuum Aspiration Abortion?

The advantages of a vacuum aspiration are [1]:

  1. It is quick – the procedure only takes 5 –10 minutes;
  2. While women may experience cramping, it is typically less prolonged than the cramping experienced with a medication abortion; and
  3. It can be done with local anesthesia, so the woman can go home a few hours later.

The disadvantages of a vacuum aspiration are:

  1. Electric Vacuum Aspiration (EVA) can be done up to 15 weeks, whereas MVA can only be done up to 14 weeks. The main disadvantage of a vacuum aspiration is that it is not available during the late second trimester;
  2. It´s usually more expensive than a MA; and
  3. Not all countries do this procedure.

[1] “Safe abortion: technical and policy guidance for health systems.” World Health Organization, second edition, 2012, www.who.int/reproductivehealth/publications/unsafe_abortion/9789241548434/en/. Accesed November 2020.


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